We finally got our grades back, and well, they sucked! What can I say, the test was horrible. Very frustrating, as we studied so hard, and we really knew our stuff, I thought? At least it is over, and we passed, which is most important, but no A's. At least it was only two credits. We did go to the beach afterwards, as our minds were more tired than our bodies.
Also we had a sand fight. |
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, we missed everyone, and also the cowboys lost, so D was angry. I was only angry because I had no turkey, and no, I did not cook! Are you kidding, we have finals coming up. Speaking of, Friday Dec. 3rd is our OSPE, which is a practical test, where we test our real skills on fake patients. FUN! (but graded) Then on Dec 7th is our Neuroscience final, Dec 9th is our physiology final, and finally Dec10 is the BSCE, which is a comprehensive test for term 1 and 2! Are you kidding? I am supposed to remember all that stuff from term 1 also?!?
Rainbow at the beach |
It is getting close, but I am excited because I am really ready for the break, and happy that our first year is almost over. So we will be studying like crazy (or really like normal) for the next few weeks, and hopefully things will go better than stupid immunology!