Good Afternoon. This is one of the many greetings that you will hear on this island. Everyone you pass will greet you and you greet them back. You don't really have a conversation, just a short greeting. (Good Morning, Good Day, Good Afternoon, and Good Night) These are very typical. On to the Lemon Tree story. A few days ago, I noticed a tree beside the house had these fruit on the ground that looked like small lemons. I go inside and facebook my landlord. Yes we use facebook to communicate, everyone does. So I ask her if it was a lemon tree and if so, may we have some. This is her reply. "lol.....of course.....and you are a bit late for the harvest....its almost finished....we get sooooo many lemons when its in full bloom that we beg people to take them......but sure...knock yourselves" I later find out from her husband that it is a LIME tree, not LEMON. But anyway, so I tell D, yes I will now be referring to people by the first letter of their name, just in case this blog becomes soooo popular, that everyone flies to Grenada to get my autograph. And then all these people sue me for putting their name in without permission. Plus my friend H does this, and I like it! So, I go tell D, that I am going to get some lemons from this tree to put in the tea. So here I go outside to the tree, and shake the limbs. Because that is how you get fruit from a tree, right. As I am unsuccessfully shaking the lemon tree ( I know that sounds like the title to a song), my neighbor comes up to me. Let me describe this to you, my neighbor is a tall black man who walks up to me with a very large knife in his hand. Obviously in America someone, perhaps me even, might find this strange, but in Grenada everyone is black, and many people carry large knives. Also don't worry about anyone being offended by these statements, I have permission from a Grenadian to be perfectly politically incorrect. She says that in Grenada you can say what you want, and people do not get offended, as a matter of fact, I have told her this whole story, and she laughed, very hard!! So, up waltzes my neighbor, and he ask if I need help. I tell him no, I am doing perfectly well. (That was a lie). So he says, the best way to do that is to take a mop or broom, and use the pole to knock down the fruit. He demonstrates with his lg knife, and I have to admit, it worked much better than my shaking method. (Which I later found out to never do, because there are lots of biting ants in those trees. Nice!) So then he peels one of the green ones, (green fruit, not a green ant) and says to put the peeling in tea and it is good. I thank him for his advice. He then ask if I smoke. I tell him "no, cigarettes are bad for your health." He says, "oh cigarettes, I was talking about weed." I am not kidding you, that is what he said!! I was a bit taken a back, and stammered "no, don't smoke that either." Then he says, well if you want to, I am your man! So I not only learn how to knock down lemons/limes, but I also have a weed man!
Also, he was right about the lime peel, very good in the tea. Good Afternoon.
Initials are the way to go. Glad to be an inspiration. As for the weed, I have 3 more initials for you: OMG! h
ReplyDeleteYea, Isn't that wild? I felt like a little child, saying, no thanks, I don't want any candy.
ReplyDeleteThis just shows that it pays to have connections