Wednesday, September 15, 2010

CPM grades

We finally received our CPM grades. A's all around! D and I killed it. Immunology started Tuesday, so we are now on our final 3 courses. Midterms are from Oct 11-15. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then Sandblast is the 16th! Sandblast is the HUGE party the school throws for the students after midterms.
Survivor starts tonight, otherwise football kinda sucked last weekend. I know, the longhorns won. Shiloh still thinks a dog mascot is way better than a cow. She likes frogs too, but mostly to chase them.

Taken at Westerhall Rum Distillery
Also taken at Westerhall Rum Distillery

It is so hot here, if it cools down a little, Shiloh is getting a hair cut and a bath. This is like tourture the dog day. She is just sleeping in the floor all peaceful and has no idea we are plotting such things against her. Fine, I will get the camera and show you.
Peacefully sleeping

Back to the books, later


  1. Yea! on the As! As for cows, S. is just scared of them. Scared-y dog! h

  2. She is totally scared of them. They are much bigger than goats. But she is also terrified of the vacuum, go figure. She said "tell Gomey to not root for the cows either, Scout already goes with the hound dogs."

  3. Ummm. Update. Please. h

  4. Hey, Jessie's Girl. Update. h
