Tuesday, February 1, 2011

BS test one is over in Shiloh lives

So last week Shiloh decided to try to die on us. She would not eat anything (and she is an eater!!) and was very lethargic.We ended up having to take her to the vet (Tuesday), where she had a bunch test ran. On Thursday she wasn't any better so we had to take her back.

They kept her overnight at the hospital and gave her an IV. Now she has a partly shaved leg, which looks like a chicken leg. Anyway, she is antibiotics for 28 freaking days!! Twice a day! Our test was on Friday morning, so of course staying at the vet for 3 hours on Thursday really helped out. Plus when we go to leave the vet, our battery on the car had died. This guy was going to jump us off, but then the battery fuse blew! Soooo, we took the bus home. Our great landlord got everything fixed for us while we were taking our test Friday morning. We then got a call to come visit Shiloh, and they said that if she was doing better that afternoon she could come home. She was doing much better and we got to pick her up Friday evening and she has been getting better each day. She is back to eating us out of house and home! :) Even through way too much stress, we both did great on out Behavior Science midterm with D getting an 88 and I got a 92, so we were both well above average, and more importantly in a good position to get an A in the class. 3 more weeks of Term 3 and then we will be in term 4! Going to bed, goodnight!


  1. Finally a post! I have been so nervous about that little doggie. Glad you both did well on the test. Knew y'all would. Smartie pants. So how does this work? Why done with #3 so fast? How many classes in term #3? I don't understand. Please address in the next post which I know will be coming much sooner than the last. And no more reposting. That just makes me more nervous. I know this is all just a big ploy to get us to come visit-- being so nervous and all. Having to check on your safety. I'm on to you lady! h

  2. poor little Shiloh...soo glad she is better..and great job on the test!! Love you both..Momma

  3. I agree with H, was wearing out my favorites button checking every day. So glad to hear Shiloh is better and very proud of the test scores!

  4. I am glad Shiloh is doing well again. I miss you and I love you very much!--Britt
