Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone found all of their eggs and such. We are really enjoying our 4 day vacation, by that I mean, we are just doing more studying because we do not have class and lab to interrupt us. Both our neighbor R, and our friend K, are enjoying there mothers coming to see them. We are all having Easter dinner tonight with our landlord S. I am bringing pickapepper and cream cheese, b/c my best friend H, showed me how to make the best/easiest appetizer that always works! Shiloh had a great time finding the Easter eggs we hid. Just kidding, although we did hide dog treats, she was way more excited by this than she would have been about eggs.

We finished our Spanish selective, in which our final was a presentation on a health problem in the Latino community. We choose hypertension, and we made a voice over movie of Jersey Shore. Tacky, I know, but hilarious! Spanish Final Here is the youtube link. Back to more flashcards, gotta get done so I can enjoy Easter dinner!


  1. Glad you got a break, and had time to hide "eggs" for your baby. I know she enjoyed the extra attention. Loved the Shore, you guys did a great job. Just a few more weeks and another step closer!

  2. Glad you at least had a break...Love you and can't wait to see you. Momma

  3. Well, I was thinking about you on Sunday. Wondering what you were doing and if you were getting a break. J. had to work, so W. and I decided to do something a little less typical... we went to the Vandy/LSU game (no egg hunt for us). It was a great game. For a moment, VU had us worried. Went through 4 or 5 pitchers in one inning (one guy only got to throw one pitch... sad). Anyway, hope y'all are well. h

    I didn't realize y'all get Pickapepper on the island. Cool!

  4. Thanks Mom and J, @ H, I was surprised they had pickapepper here also, until I realized that it is made in Jamaica.
