Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week 10

So March is ending quickly. It has rained twice this week, once Wednesday and again today. This is very exciting, as the island was quickly becoming a desert. There are severe water shortages, and an increasing number of forest fires. On a happier note we have a new bookshelf. We did not have one, and I was talking to my landlord about where to buy one, and she had a guy make us one. It is really nice. We are going to paint it after the semester, but for now it is just perfect!

Also more BIG news, we got a mop and a mop bucket. I know, go us. We have been trying to buy one since we got here, and they finally had some in stock at Ace hardware. Seeing as how it has rained twice this week, we have a few cherries on the cherry tree in the back yard. There are not many, but it is nice to see some color, every thing is getting so brown and dry.

Someone must have told Shiloh about the water shortage, as you can see she is guarding her water-bowl. Yes it is an empty ice cream bucket, because it works. Also, I did not get to eat that ice cream, it was here already. But, I am on the lookout, because I think she needs a new one! :)
 Can you tell we used the mop? Well, about school, it is defiantly picking back up, however we have Easter this coming weekend, and so we still have that to look forward to. We actually get out of school for Good Friday and Holy Monday, so a 4 day weekend, that we are hoping we can use to get ahead in our studying. Shiloh's birthday is Thursday, so we will definitely take her to the beach this weekend. But other than that, we are not doing any big trips, but we are going to use the time to study, we really want to do better on the finals. Also, my grandmother, (my dad's mom) is in the hospital, and my step grandmother (J's mom) is not doing so well either. Thinking about them, and asking everyone to pray for their families. Miss everyone lots, hope you all have a great week!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about the grandmas. Hope y'all have a great Easter. We will be going to W's godparent's house. h

  2. What are y'all doing for Easter?

  3. Wise dog to guard her bowl if water is short.
    Your lone cherry looks so nice among the leaves.
