Saturday, April 24, 2010

Week 14

Hello all, hope everyone had a great week, and the tornadoes didn't get ya! So, a couple of fun things this week, Shiloh got a haircut. She was not very happy about this, mostly the noise and standing still part. Since there is no petsmart or doggie grooming place, D and I did it ourselves! Very fun! What a mess!


The only way that you can tell her hair is shorter, is because you can see her collar. As you can see noisy here is sniffing the package that we received. She was correct, there was something in there for her.

This is her new duck squeaky toy, and what else? A bone? Spoiled!!

The great thing about care packages is someone cared, because they take time to put together and effort to send them, but also it is kind of like your birthday, but without aging. So we took a trip to the post office, which was interesting. There are no computers; the lady just searches for you number in this large book where all the packages are hand written. Then she goes to the back and brings out the package that has a large number wrote on it with permanent black marker. Then she hands me a steak knife. Just typing steak knife makes me want beef. Anyway, she hand it to me and tells me to open the package, she looks though it and to her disappointment nothing interesting. I am not sure what she expected, but we were deemed safe. So in other so important news, I found these at the grocery store. They are called brody beans.

They are basically really, really long green beans. I was quite excited! We have had several servings of brody beans this week. In other food news, I introduced D to Ramon noodles. I know, WHO has graduated from college and has never eaten ramon noodles?? That is un-American! He is no longer a ramon noodle virgin, when ask he said, “hmm, well, not too bad.” At school there is talk of nothing but going home, I think everyone is just worn out, and ready for finals to be over. I know personally, the week after finals, I plan on not thinking at all. In fact, I may have to wear headphones to tell me when to breathe, because my brain will be too tired for that function. Final are looming in front of us, and we are trying to make that sprint at the end of the race where you pretend you are not tired, and go as fast as you can. Also our intramural volleyball playoffs started. Right in time for finals, how convenient. We won our game today. I think we play again on Wed. I have convinced myself that one hour of exercise is good for me, and I won’t fail because of it. Well, back to the books, gotta stay focus just a little bit longer.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Week 13

Nice, Lucky 13! Maybe I should just say that I have been here for 137 days. I know that does not make 13 week, but the week thing is how many weeks I have been in school. I remember fondly the days spent enjoying the island, BEFORE school started! Time is flying by, it seems that we were just studying for midterms, now guess what. Finals start May 10th. Our last final will be on May 14th. Less than a month away. We have been studying like crazy, well actually like normal. Really good thing we don't have that much longer before school is over, my highlighters are running low. Why do they put like 3 yellows in a pack and only one pink. All my notes are color coded so that say all enzymes are pink, and up regulator are green, where as down regulator are yellow, blue is for products and so forth. That is not going to work if all I have left is stupid yellow. Anyway, enough of my whining. But seriously, when I get back to the states, AFTER I eat a huge hamburger, I am going to buy lots of different colored highlighters. D say yellow is fine with him. His notes are boring. We have this thing called post here at school, and it is kinda like a craigs list just for the school. Anyway all the 5th termers are selling there things because they will be leaving the island in a month. So, I bought a coffee maker! We won't get it till May because the person wanted to have coffee until she left apparently. This is a pic that I was emailed.

I know you are all so jealous of my new but wont get it till May coffee maker! I am so excited, we only have a camping coffee maker that we brought from home, that has to be heated on the stove and it takes forever.  This one will just plug in, push a button, and coffee!! So excited! Yes it is like 83 degrees here in the morning, but coffee is a studying necessity. I will turn the air conditioner down if I have to. I cannot remember if I told you that D and I are on an inter-mural volleyball team, but anyway our games are over, and apparently we will have some type of playoff. Hope that it is soon, because finals are approaching and time will be even more valuable. Well, better get back to the books, and my highlighters. BYE

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The craziest thing happened today. There was a halo around the sun, and it was a rainbow. It completely encircled the sun. It was REALLY awesome!! This is a photo of it above the clock tower on campus.

You cannot see the colors of the rainbow very well in this picture, but we could see every color. Polarized sunglasses help.

Everyone was outside looking up at the sun, it was quite astonishing! I am sure our retinas were happy about it. Magical

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 11

Well, I am officially better. I went to school for a full day without any medication! I am not sure what happened, most likely a stomach virus, but I am very happy to NOT have to be within 3 feet of a bathroom at all times. I hope everyone had a great Easter, mine sucked!! I was really hoping to get a lot of studying done, as well as go to the beach one day, but as you know, instead I was having no fun being sick. Not quite the adventure I was hoping to tell you about, but it happens.
 Before the whole sick thing, I tried a new food product here on the island. NO that is not what made me sick, I tried it on like Monday, and didn't get sick until Friday. Anyway, I saw these at the store as was curious. Mr. C Cocoa Balls, don't tell me that you wouldn't buy them! So, it says to add them to hot milk, but I was thinking morning coffee.

Mr. C balls were quite large.

YES, I did take pictures to show you step by step my Mr. C cocoa balls experience!

  This was the hardest photo. You should really try taking a picture of yourself pouring HOT coffee into a cup, while not spilling it. Also you are doing this BEFORE you have had your morning coffee. Not advisable.

Chip (my coffee cup) was very surprised! And by the way, my coffee was spectacular! Starbucks has nothing on Mr. C cocoa balls. Well, I must get back to studying, since I wasted all 4 days of my Easter break being sick.

I am posting a link to a video that I made of Shiloh playing with some goats. The music is actually the neighbors radio, they play it really loud sometimes. So it seems like I added it to the video, but it is live from Frequente, Grenada!

Hope you all have a great week. Oh, and J's (my mom's husband) mom died yesterday, so everyone remember them. My grandmother came home from the hospital and is doing much better. BYE :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Very Sick

Too sick to blog. I will write when I feel better. :(