Monday, February 21, 2011

Hello Term 4

So, 3rd term is over. Term 3 was a weird term because it was only 6 weeks, and it was only one class (6 credits). The class was Behavioral science, which encompasses lots of different things. During the 6 weeks, we studied abnormal psychology ( schizophrenia, depression, OCD, anorexia ... things like that), bio-statistics, epidemiology, health care systems (insurance and Obama care), law, ethics, and several other small topics. So it was kind of like one big class of topics that don't really fit anywhere else. The reason SGU separates the 2 years into 5 semesters, is to allow students to borrow a larger percentage of their loans through stafford loans (the ones that don't start interest until after you graduate). We only had the weekend off, so 4th term started today. However for the first week we only have microbiology, and the rest start next week. I guess that is kinda like a break.
Valentines dinner
We all went out to dinner for Valentines
 Anyway, 3rd term is considered by everyone to be the easy term, but the problem is not many people get A's because they think it is easy and then don't study. Lots of upper termers told D and I this, and we were determined to study hard, even though many of our classmates/friends were at the beach. Happily, we both got A's!!!! We are extremely excited because 6 hours of A's is huge for our GPA. In 4th term, Pathology is THE course (13 credits), not to mention path is really hard and that is all we have been hearing about since we came to med school. Also, it represent like 1/4 of the USMLE. So it is a scary class, but with our new GPA, if for some reason we get C's in path AND micro (5 credits) we will still be ok, and not have to worry about deceling due to GPA standards. This is such a huge pressure relief, because 120 students from last term decelled and are retaking path with us this semester. That is 1/4th of the previous class. We do not plan on being in that group, but the extra cushion that we got by getting our A, has already taken some of the scariness away from path.
Here are the specials, in case you want to order something!

In other news, Shiloh is feeling much better, although she is still on antibiotics, and she has come to expect a ham treat every morning and night. We roll the pill in ham, that way she will take it.  Also we still very much love our new place, and everything seems to be going much better now that Shiloh is better. This term is going to be very busy, we have 4 labs a week, every afternoon except Friday, but that is part of it. When June 29th gets here and we fly back home, we should be much smarter, and everyone says that this semester changes you from a student to a future doctor, so I am excited to be here.

We had a great Valentines, we went to a Chinese place in St Georges, with our neighbors and friends.We didn't make fools of ourselves or anything! Back to the books, I am going to try to get as much micro in this week as I can, before pathology begins!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

BS test one is over in Shiloh lives

So last week Shiloh decided to try to die on us. She would not eat anything (and she is an eater!!) and was very lethargic.We ended up having to take her to the vet (Tuesday), where she had a bunch test ran. On Thursday she wasn't any better so we had to take her back.

They kept her overnight at the hospital and gave her an IV. Now she has a partly shaved leg, which looks like a chicken leg. Anyway, she is antibiotics for 28 freaking days!! Twice a day! Our test was on Friday morning, so of course staying at the vet for 3 hours on Thursday really helped out. Plus when we go to leave the vet, our battery on the car had died. This guy was going to jump us off, but then the battery fuse blew! Soooo, we took the bus home. Our great landlord got everything fixed for us while we were taking our test Friday morning. We then got a call to come visit Shiloh, and they said that if she was doing better that afternoon she could come home. She was doing much better and we got to pick her up Friday evening and she has been getting better each day. She is back to eating us out of house and home! :) Even through way too much stress, we both did great on out Behavior Science midterm with D getting an 88 and I got a 92, so we were both well above average, and more importantly in a good position to get an A in the class. 3 more weeks of Term 3 and then we will be in term 4! Going to bed, goodnight!