Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We are on Thanksgiving break, as tomorrow is Thanksgiving when Grenada celebrates the end of the war in which the American soldiers rescued Grenada. Oct 25,1983. We watched Heartbreak Ridge last night in honor of the war, but really on like the last 20 minutes were about Grenada, but everyone loves Clint Eastwood.  So we have had a great weekend. We went hashing yesterday, which is a hiking group that gets together every other Saturday and have hiking trail set up at different parts of the island. Shiloh got to go, and she had a blast.

The hash was great and had some beautiful scenery as part of it was on the beach.

Two friends who joined us.
We did sandblast last weekend, so it has been a lot of fun since midterms, but a lot of studying as well. In physiology, we are doing the pulmonary section and honestly I had no idea how complicated breathing is. It is crazy, I am really glad it is subconscious!

So, things are getting back to normal here, I can't believe it is the end of October, I miss fall. There are no changing leaves here or cool nights. But we do have sunshine, and rain so it is fine.

 This was an awesome rock wall that we climbed around to get to this beach. Shiloh couldn't make it by herself, but she has a great dad who carried her through the hard parts. She does not look very trusting there.
cool view of the wall
Hope everyone is having a great fall, happy Halloween!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Midterms are OVER

I am so sleepy! Midterms are finally over we have 2 of our 3 grades back, and they are the best so far. Very excited, but too sleepy. Sandblast is tomorrow so we will be getting to bed early, after we catch up on survivor!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


This has been the craziest/worst week on this island. I have already told you about Shiloh's lobster allergy. So after that, our good friend M gets dengue.

wiki dengue

 This is a really serous virus transmitted my mosquitoes.  Yes we use lots of bug spray! We of course insist that he stay with us, you really don't want to be put in the hospital here. Normally our life here is pretty boring, we just study, cook, and do dishes.
Sunset from campus

However, now that we have a very sick guest, all hell breaks loose. We have a quite impressive storm which D and I watch the lighting for a while then went to bed. Well M had his mattress on the floor because it really is more comfortable. We always sleep with our mattress on the floor because the platform part of the bed is random 2by4s that suck. Also he has a fever of over 102 and dengue fever is often called bone break fever. Not comfortable. Anyway at 2 that morning he is knocking at the door, because the back room, where he is sleeping is flooded.Really about 1/2 in to 1 in of water covered the floor. He woke up because it had soaked though the mattress and gotten him wet. This water is not leaking, but actually coming up though the tiles in the floor. This was Monday morning (the 4th).
Yes, this means I am at school way too late.

We get everything out of that room and decide that we will deal with it in the morning. M was supposed to have midterms but because he was so sick, he had already made arrangement to retake them. Our landlord came home from work when we called her, and cleaned up the floor. The water was in the back room, hall and bathroom by morning. We are still getting small amounts of water coming through the tiles in the bathroom! We keep a towel there. And just because this is not enough to deal with when lets not forget midterms are coming up. We have been having a termite problem since we came back in July. We have been spraying bug spray, but we all know you have to get an exterminator. I mean really, termites in a concrete house?? They are after the cabinets.
D is teaching M's dog, Indy to sit. Fruit loops are good treats. Shiloh says, but I am sitting!

So our landlord finally gets a guy to come spray Wed. We have to clear everything out of the kitchen, and have Shiloh some where else for 3 hours. Clearing the kitchen look about an hour. That night we put everything back, about another hour. Which I am thinking (while I mop up water for the 4th time that day), it will be worth it for the termites to be gone. Well yesterday, guess what I see. The termites are rebuilding there little mud tunnels. It has been a freaking 3 whole days. So frustrating. D and I have decided we will just deal with this stuff after midterms.
Shiloh has enjoyed having Indy around to play with.

Speaking of, Physiology is the 11th, Immunology is the 13th and Neuroscience is the 15th. M is still with us and he is feeling much better, I feel so bad that he has been so ill, and all of this crap happens while he is here! It is normally not like this. We have survived this week, and hopefully are grades will not suffer do to this stressful turn of events. Now I have got to study, I woke up before D so decided that I would blog while I drank my coffee. He is still sleeping, but I have got to get to studying.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Shiloh loves lobster, lobster hates Shiloh!

So this has been a crazy couple of days. We have midterms coming up so we don't really have time for crazy, but it comes non the less. Soo. One of our neighbors is a fisherman, nice guy. He ask us if we are interested in any lobster, now that lobster season is in. We say "of course!!!!"

Wednesday afternoon, he comes to the house and says that he has caught some lobster do we still want them. He is selling them for $10/lb. Now that is eastern Caribbean dollars so it is like $3.75/lb American dollars! I am so excited, how nice to have lobster to look forward to. So D goes gets like 6 lbs.

We are eating said lobster last night, and I give Shiloh some of the little legs that are too hard to get the meat out of. She is just crunching away, happy as can be, and I didn't think a thing about it.

About 2 hours later, her face is so swollen! She can barely open her eyes and her nose is like double the normal size. Also her upper lips just hang over her mouth. I was freaking out. So apparently she is allergic to lobster. We gave her Benadryl, but her face looked so bad. D was so worried about her, he stayed up most of the night checking on her (he is such a good daddy). He is taking a nap right now! We were really afraid she might stop breathing or something. Her face was still swollen this morning, she is so pitiful. We skipped our last class today, because we didn't want to leave her here for very long by herself. She is doing better this afternoon, but she is not back to normal. I feel so bad, I can't believe she is freaking allergic to lobster! This weekend has not started off well, hopefully it gets better. I told Shiloh she was not named after Angelina Jolie's kid, so she doesn't have to have big lips!